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Noelia Tomoshige

By 22/11/2022March 1st, 2023No Comments

Noelia Tomoshige

A true pastisserie lover, Noelia Tomoshige, better known as Monroe Bakes, grows in social media every day. Entrepreneur and graduate in Pastry & Confectionery by Le Cordon Bleu, she worked with several luxury brands like Hermés, Balenciaga, Prada…, until in 2019, the bakery world knock on her door. Her family connection with Japan, is reflected in her elaborations, risky but overlooking every detail to excelency. Inspiring and a fighter for her dreams, she was almost 30 when she opened her first bakery, called Monroebakes. A bakery that takes you to follow her life story and her defining cultures of reference: japanese, spanish and french.