GONZALO MUIÑO comes from a legacy tinted by watercolours and paintbrushes that her mother passed on to him when he was a kid as he played with her pencils. This is how his love for art was born and built, almost as naturally and necessarily as breathing; a love that he turned into his profession when he realized the admiration his work aroused.
He is gracefully optimistic, and his illustrations embrace the warmth of childhood and the eccentricity of our cultural imagery. His career goes from studying in New York to actually being Art Director at Carolina Herrera, as well as having held this position at Glamour Spain for the past years.
Gonzalo recognizes that even though time has passed he still gets excited whenever one of his projects comes to life.
Gonzalo Muiño colabora con Cervezas Alhambra en su tutorial "Retrato Sencillo" En este tutorial aprenderás de la mano del ilustrador Gonzalo Muiño, a crear un retrato sencillo, perfecto para regalar...
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Gonzalo Muiño ilustra "The Politician" para la campaña #EsteAñoSíHayOrgullo de Netflix Netflix contó con Gonzalo Muiño para su campaña "Este año sí hay orgullo", ilustrando la serie The Politician para...
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Gonzalo Muiño decora la nueva flagship store de Uniqlo en Madrid con una obra mural sobre la ciudad. Uniqlo inaugura en Madrid su nueva flagship store con 3 murales del...
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Gonzalo Muiño participa en el 65 aniversario de la llegada de Coca-Cola a España Gonzalo Muiño plasmó en una de sus coloridas ilustraciones, los 65 años transcurridos desde la llegada...
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